Welcome to our dahlia micro farm!

Every dahlia is lovingly tended by a dahlia-obsessed couple (and their tortoise, Fable.)

We are sold out for 2024! Thank you so much!

  • Fable Farm Dahlias Cabana Banana Dahlia

    Cabana Banana - Fable's pick

  • Fable Farm Dahlias Black Satin

    Black Satin - Melanie's pick

  • Fable Farm Dahlias Orange Symphony

    Orange Symphony - Ben's pick

About our Dahlias - and us!

With less than 1 acre to farm, we give special attention, care, and love to each dahlia we cultivate. Our story starts with a pandemic romance, trips to a historical garden on the NH seacoast, a whirlwind of major life changes, and, of course, a tortoise named Fable to keep us on task. This culminates into one very special farm where we hope to share our passion and joy with you! All of our dahlia tubers were grown and harvested from our farm. We test hundreds of varieties and only sell those that performed well for us. Our selection is good for growers across the country, but even better for northern gardeners looking for dahlias that will do well in cooler climes like ours.


Fable, general manager, dandelion control supervisor, head of PR, but mostly just a spoiled sulcata tortoise.